How do I configure the app?
The TelluCare Responder app is designed to give our users the best mobile experience, including audible and visible notifications on new alarms.
To make it work, here is how you configure the app:
Where to find it?
The app can be downloaded from the Google Play store, but some of our users have apps provided through local mobile management solutions. Check with your administrator, and make sure that automatic updates are enabled to include new features.
First time use
There are some steps required to start you of in a good direction.
Be aware that the authentication requires Chrome, and that Chrome has to be used once before you can log in. We are currently investigating if there are workarounds, but for now, this step is required.
- Make sure you are connected to Internet.
If connected, it should go directly to "Navn på helseorganisasjon".
If not connected, it will show the status screen with status "Ikke tilkoblet", check the chapter "It's not working" below. - In the field "Navn på helseorganisasjon" type in the name of you municipality or other name given by Tellu. Click OK.
- You should not change the instance ("velg instans").
- Status should be "Klar".
- Change the name of the device if needed.
- Press "logg inn".
You're good to go!
It's not working
No information on screen
We're currently investigating an instance where a white screen showed up. When we have solved this, we will update the FAQ with a solution.
Status: Ikke tilkoblet
If the app is unable to reach the required services, it will show a status "Ikke tilkoblet". Press "mer" for more information on which services are unavailable. This information is relevant if you need help from our support super heroes.
Changing the configuration
On rare occasions you may need to change the configuration of the app. Logging out will bring you back to the status screen, and you can change whatever you need to there.