Read on to learn what's new in TelluCare, TelluCare Go, TelluCare Remote Patient Monitoring, and TelluCare Supervision
TelluCare Go (previously called TelluCare Responder)
New app name
Along with the new and upcoming functionality encompassing all new types welfare technology, we wanted to give our Responder app a new name: TelluCare Go. Look for the new name and app icon in Google Play and on your devices.
Improvements related to event notifications
New events are now notified by both notifications and associated sound alerts. In the notifications you can now see the severity, icon and description of the type of alerts.
Alerts are divided into three degrees of severity, and the sound alerts are both louder and longer for the more serious events, compared to the less urgent ones.
Improvements related to repeated alerts if an event is not handled
To make sure all events are handled, events that are not handled by health personell will now have repeated alerts:
Serious/Red 🔴 alerts will repeat every minute, for five minutes.
Moderate/Yellow 🟡 and Normal/Green 🟢 alerts will repeat every five minutes, twice.
NOTE: If there is need for escalation of events that are not handled after the periods mentioned above, it's possible to set up rules for that in TelluCare Admin. Please refer to our user manuals or our staff to how to do so.
When the response center is in use, they will be in backup if no ones handles an event.
See how far away the user is from your location, and how long it will take to get there
Now the TelluCare Go app can use the service operator's location to show how long it will take to get to the user/pasient. The responsible for the health service decides if this functionality is to be used or not. NOTE: Currently, these features are NOT available for all users, only a selected few for pilot testing purposes.
Predefined choices for journal notes
As a service operator, having predefines choices for journal notes isn't just a great time saver, but also a great way to improve documentation of events. Furthermore it makes it possible to track the data from previous events. See examples below:
Option for service operators to hide warnings for technical alerts
For municipalities that do not want their health personell in service operator roles to get and follow up on technical alerts, it's now possible to hide these. As of now this needs to be set by TelluCare Support, so please reach out in case. There is a need for routines to make sure that other roles follow up technical alerts.
Reason and information from response center in TelluCare Go
When a health personell at the response center is the first responder on an event, their evaluation along with other important information will be sent to the service operators using the TelluCare Go app. This way the valuable information already gathered can be used to handle the task at hand safely and efficiently.
Improved guides for first time setup of alerts and location features
We have made a guide to help with the set up the first time this new version of TelluCare Go is installed:
There is one guide for TelluCare Go alerts, and helps you set up how they are to function based on repeated alerts, and alerts that are not handled.
The second one is a guide for the health services that have turned on the features that use the devices location and position data.
NOTE: Currently, these features are NOT available for all users, only a selected few for pilot testing purposes. These include the feature that lets the app tell the health personell the estimated travel time to the pasient in need of help, and the feature that let's the app automatically register when the health personell arrives at the patients home, and that way track the response time.
Mobile safety alarms handled directly from the home care service
When events from mobile safety alarms are handled directly from the home care service, at the same time as by the other events registered by other welfare technology from the response center, we have added more information valuable to health personell and service operators.
Better events descriptions for reasons and criticality, related to multiple events for response center
When the response center handles events, you can now see the reasons and descriptions related to multiple events. This way all event information from the response operator is available in chronological order.
Improvements for users with one role, working with only one patient group
There is now a predefined setting for service operators that makes is easier and less time consuming to log in. This is especially relevant and valuable for municipalities that operate with shared devices for health personell, and use Azure AD secure log in.
TelluCare RPM (Remote patient monitoring)
VKP Journaling measurements
We have improved the VKP integration to include measurements. Healthcare personnel receive measurements and questionnaires in TelluCare RPM, and can now journaling it directly to EPJ through VKP.
This is an important functionality to save time for healthcare personnel. We are proud to be the first supplier in Norway to have this functionality in place.
Location and positioning features
Settings that let each municipality decide if they want to use the new location-based features in TelluCare Go: These include the feature that lets the app tell the health personell the estimated travel time to the pasient in need of help. Secondly it is for the feature that let's the TelluCare Go app automatically register when the health personell arrives at the patients home, and that way track the response time.
TelluCare Supervision
Optimized patient groups
We have made som changes to support new and upcoming features for pasient administration.
Improved patient list
As a service responsible you know have a clickable row in the table with improved information.
Improvement to pasient profiles
The menu elements of the pasient profile have been re-organized to support a more holistic workflow for all things related to each specific pasient.
More equipment and device info
The patient information now contains all equipment, sorted in categories:
The camera pages contain all cameras and alarms related to a specific patient.
The sensor based supervision pages contain all sensors and alarms related to a specific patient.
The GPS pages contain all GPS equipment and alarms related to a specific patient.
The safety alarm pages contain all safety alarms and alarms related to a specific patient.
Download the PDF with all the improvements and updates