What are the roles in TelluCare Tilsyn?

What is the philosophy behind roles, and how are they supposed to be used?  This document will try to explain some aspects concerning roles in TelluCare Tilsyn, and the idea behind them. 

Roles are a tool to differentiate your privileges based on the role you have (the hat you're wearing). During a workday you may find yourself having multiple roles with different needs. You may be a parent, a sibling, a worker, a leader or a friend. While not all of these are implemented in the supervision software, we do support some of them. The idea behind is to limit the functionality that is presented to you, and at the same time raise awareness about the privileges you need to perform certain tasks. 
The philosophy behind is that the roles are tied to specific functions in your organization, but we know that reality may not always be black or white.
Let's take a look at the roles available, and the intention behind. And please remember, you are allowed to disagree and have a different approch in your organization. What is right for you, is always right for you.

Response operator (tjenesteutøver)

Our philosophy is that the response operator is the one performing supervision. As a response operator, we believe that you will need:

  • An overview of current alarms
  • Your patients
  • Technical alarms.
  • Continuous supervision (separate product)

This has been confirmed in surveys with some of our customers. 
The response operator is usually a nurse or some other healthcare worker close to the patient.

Service responsible (tjenesteansvarlig)

On the next level we find the service responsible. This role has a responsibility for supervision as a service. 

  • An overview of the patients and complete configuration of these
  • Overview and configuration of all connected equiment, both cameras, gateways, medicine dispensers and safemate portable alarms with GPS.
  • Technical alarms
  • Access to statistics and reports
  • Overview of all alarms within your organization, and quick overview of actions taken.

The service responsible is often a team leader, department leader or someone else with responisbility for the supervision service for a group of patients (geographically or demographically). 

Administrator (virksomhetsadministrator)

The administrator is an top level role, and is usually not a care giver. To be able to fully take the responsibility as an administrator, we believe that these functions are relevant.

  • An overview of the registered employees (users)
  • The organizational structure, and role configuration
  • Overview and configuration of all connected equiment, both cameras and gateways
  • Technical alarms
  • The complete audit log

From our point of view, the administrator is a role in the municipal management.