How do I use continuous supervision?
TelluCare Supervision now contains functionality for continuous supervision, but how do I use it?
What is continuous supervision?
Continuous supervision is used for continuously supervising patient groups with needs that extend to regular 60 seconds window. Some examples include chronically ill patients, children or other groups that may need watchful and caring eyes 24/7.
How to use
When continuous supervision is enabled (if not, contact our sales department), you will find an option in the left-hand menu when logged in as Response Operator.
Click this to open the functionality for continuous supervision.
There are two tabs, please use the tab labeled "Available cameras" to select which cameras to include in the view. You may select up to eight cameras on a PC monitor, but if you use a tablet it will be limited to four. On a mobile phone you may select up to three cameras.
The limited number on different screens are there to ensure good viewing quality so that no vital information is lost due to missing details.
If you need to view more cameras, may we suggest multiple screens?
When you have found the correct cameras and selected these, please proceed to the tab labeled "Continuous supevision".
When configured properly, the cameras will show an uninterrupted stream from each camera for up to 24 hours.
The camera view contains some information about patient, stream quality and active alarms.